Every web developer should know about this - if content is worth sharing, it's worth sharing how you want it

By jason on 08/05/2013

To get web page details shared on facebook how you want them...being able to choose which image is used, what the title is, the description, even the canonical url...you use the facebook open graph api


We've just recently utilized this, and thought it was worth sharing.

Just a bit of theme work, in a content management system (drupal page.tpl.php or html.tpl.php), and each of your pages can be shared more effectively.

html 5 canvas animation - boise web designers, take note, if you don't know already

By jason on 08/05/2013

the simplest for of html5 js support ckeck:

var canvas = document.getElementById('tutorial');
if (canvas.getContext){
var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
// drawing code here
} else {
// canvas-unsupported code here

We're just getting moving with html 5 canvas animations, and this is a key element of a graceful fallback. Thanks Jon, for sending this over. We look forward to sharing this project, it's pretty special for us.

memberships for entrepreneurial organizations, and access to entrepreneurial resources should be free for early stage companies

By jason on 08/05/2013

Just completed a survey from an entrepreneurial organization, asking about how much I'd pay for office space and access to business advisors and resources. (Thanks @entrep_thinking)

At first, I moved through it quickly, answering the "Do you have an idea?" "...A business plan?" "Would you use...office space, copier, internet, consultants [marketing, technical,etc]"

Then I got to "How much would you pay?"

I thought...

The Talent Cloud - An Internet Entrepreneur's Success Story

By jason on 08/05/2013

A friend of mine went to college in the UK. Around 2000, when he returned home, he started his own company providing web hosting. He found web hosting offshore was less expensive than hosting locally; so he went door to door selling the service. The market was tough, however, he leveraged the Internet for marketing and communications. The hosting lead to web development projects and more; today, he's running a company with over 450 employees, operating on 3 continents.

Our International headquarters has been relocated

By jason on 08/05/2013

We've housed our international headquarters at 950 W Bannock St #1100 for over 2 years now, and are proud to be moving to 512 W Idaho St #101.

While it's never easy to move, it is definitely worth it. Our new location boasts an office to work from, and 3 large windows to promote what we do.

drupal 7 - web server/hosting note related to aggreate and compress files setting

By jason on 08/05/2013

After all the hard work put into designing and developing a site, the final launch to the production hosting environment can get exciting.
There are a variety of web server's out there - most common one being apache, however don't discount IIS, lighthttpd, and others.

We ran into a situation on Network Solutions, where the Aggregate and Compress Javascript and CSS files settings were not working..actually, they were causing all sorts of issues.

writing code today isn't quite like it used to be...

By jason on 08/05/2013

Some handy resources out there for software development, and google will get you in touch with them...I've never coded on puchcards, or relied on books for helping me code on projects, however I would like to appreciate those circumstances.

I usually manage projects, clients, and focus my time and energy on business development tasks. It wasn't that long ago, that I actually had to code..like, every day. That was a great time, and an important part of the progression of Nerdy Dragon.

While neededing to spend a day coding yesterday, I took advantage of some great resources:

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